
Analysis & Assessment

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Business Analysis & Assessment

Analyzing and assessing your current work flow practices and procedures is critical to achieving future goals.

High-performance organizations will continuously improve with systems in place to analyze and assess to better learn at what level outcomes are being achieved.

Synergy assists your organization to:

Innovative Design

Designing innovatively is both an art and science. Organizations that desire innovative environments will need to engage employees and teams by promoting critical thinking and problem solving, as well as developing spaces and processes that foster creative thinking.

Innovation occurs on the edge. It isn’t mainstream; it develops on the edges of thinking and at times when the mind is allowed to relax.

Strategies for innovative work practices need to be developed so employees are encouraged to think in this manner. Innovation Synergy will help you create these environments; making innovation an organizational value, not just something talked about. Through consultation and executive learning, leaders will gain the skills necessary for innovative design environments.

& Collaboration

Most organizations realize the importance of teamwork on a micro-level. Teams don’t just come together and function well. They require outcomes, purpose, process design, assignment of roles, setting and assessing benchmarks, and proper support for direction.

Developing collaborative partnerships is the mega-level of teamwork.

Collaboration planning starts with creating the desired outcomes and then designed backwards to analyze what each organization can bring to the partnership, identifying common ground and analyzing gaps to be addressed for sustainable success, as well as all of the processes in micro team formation.

Innovation Synergy consults with your organization on the types of partnerships that will benefit your work and provides training for leaders to best perform within the collaborative environment and the on-going relationship that partners can provide one another.


Professional Development & Executive Learning

Leaders are developed by learning and practicing unique sets of skills to successfully guide an organization through challenges and chaos. Innovation Synergy analyzes the needs of individuals within an organization to offer opportunities to increase emotional intelligence, critical and creative thinking to inspire innovation, communication design, growth through mentoring, and personal improvement in the essential skills needed to lead and develop leadership opportunities for others through individual and team-based engagement activities within safe and productive environments.

Every day employees are bombarded with communication tools, each vying to gain their attention. Designing an effective plan to communicate key messages, goals, initiatives, and progress is critical in successfully advancing organizational outcomes. Communication needs to be intentional and Innovation Synergy will help you design the best strategies to achieve this goal.

Most will probably think of authoring in terms of writing a book. As this may be the case, many leaders aren’t asked to do so in their daily work. However, authoring is important in researching, communicating report findings, and designing initiatives, for stakeholders and employees. Innovation Synergy will help you brand your written communication so your audiences know where to find the information they need.

Many leaders are familiar with these terms, however have spent little time examine what it takes to reach a proficiency in each. Innovation Synergy will help you learn the strategies of when and how to use each to apply the best thinking to create the best solutions.

Sometimes referred to as soft skills, tend to sound unimportant, where in most cases these skills provide and communicate the greatest tools and strategies leaders can possess to succeed. Innovation Synergy can help your leaders analyze and develop skills in communication, thinking skills, implementing change, self-assessment, and increasing emotional intelligence.

Who in your past has helped you become inspired to grow personally and professionally? Most successful leaders have had a mentor who has helped them advance to become better at what they do. We all need mentors. However, many think that mentoring ends when you become an adult, graduate from a university, or move on from an entry-level position. This is a huge mistake. Mentorship is a part of lifelong learning and lifelong success. Innovation Synergy can help to mentor leaders individually or in teams, or to establish a mentoring program in their workplace that benefit both the mentor and mentee.

Understanding yourself as a leader and the role you play in your work provides a level of emotional intelligence that will support others in their roles of working with you. One might argue that you can’t effectively lead unless you can analyze yourself and become confident in the leader you are. This self-assessment is critical in your success as a leader and your ability to build a team to meet organizational outcomes.


Organizational strength relies on creating dynamic relationships with others. Innovation Synergy will assess your needs, strengthen your gaps, and assist your ability to plan strategically. Through business analysis, assessing your processes, and creating solutions to improve employee performance, IS will help you to successfully implement and manage the change necessary to maintain your organization’s competitive edge. We do this by assisting you to develop dynamic teams and increasing meeting and communication effectiveness. We analyze and design work environments in the office and at home where employees thrive to achieve organizational outcomes through increased engagement.

Every business process matters. Your organization can only reach its full potential when all your processes are as efficient as they can be. That’s why your approach to process improvement and achieving process excellence are vital to gaining the advantage you need. Innovation Synergy will assist in assessing process so that every improved process is progress toward your goals. We provide insight to make process management a real value for your organization.

Organizational change management is a constant in order to maintain a competitive edge. However, many changes tend to fail in the implementation. Innovation Synergy has developed a design process that guides you to successful change management by examining how to first successfully introduce change to people, identify the resources needed and the buy-in of employees to implement the change. Clearly defining roles and responsibilities and anticipating the resistance to change lead to a deeper team approach to making changes successful.

Meeting organizational outcomes which finding a safe place to work has become much more important than ever. Home offices have replaced workplace offices. Many factors need to be considered as to whether all positions can work from home, and in doing so what are studies showing is happening to employees who are working from home each day. What works and what doesn’t? Innovation Synergy will help you analyze your workspace needs and how it can function properly so team members access necessary tools and resources to stay productive. IS will work with you to develop strategies to run your business remotely, build community within the organization, and manage your workforce to focus on your organization’s goals.

Struggling to expand, innovate and stay successful in the face of competition? Innovation Synergy helps you analyze with your overall business and new initiative strategic plans. We will examine the trends and forces driving corporate innovation and provide valuable insights to adapt to today’s global market realities and cross reference these with your organization’s mission, vision, and values. By exploring proven tactics and business cases, you can accelerate your organization’s ability to acquire and cultivate knowledge critical to the firm’s future success.

Assessment is perhaps the most critical piece in an organization’s process. Measuring the quality of employee performance, programs and services, and process efficiency is necessary to determine future direction. Employee assessment has emerged as a popular organizational concept in recent years. It is the level of commitment and involvement an employee has towards their organization and its value and beliefs. Through a process of employees establishing goals and the resources needed, self-assessing their progress and goal-attainment discussion and feedback, the assessment process engages the employee more. Employee engagement through self-assessment has a direct impact on the organization’s productivity. Innovation Synergy can also help you measure the quality of programs, services, departments and processes used to achieve strategic planning.

Creating effective teams are crucial in successfully achieving outcomes efficiently. Innovation Synergy will help your organization design teams to accomplish this by determining the types of members and roles and help you fit the thinking needed to meet the team’s mission. Ensuring teams are set up for success is the first step to make teamwork more successful. IS will help you determine the structure that works best for your team, optimize your team, understand the role of design operations and foster a culture of design strategy.

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